Virtual Internship Program
World Class Virtual Work Experience
14 Elements offers WIOA Youth the opportunity to work remotely, gain certifications AND receive valuable workplace experience. Youth participants can gain in demand hard skills such as the basics of coding, video production, web design and social media marketing. They also receive in demand soft skills, step by step instructions, supervisors and much more! Enroll your youth in our cutting-edge virtual work experience programs today!
Turnkey. Headache Free!
We provide Case Managers with weekly time sheets, reports, copies of certifications earned as well as the data associated with all their youth participants. Enjoy the convenience and flexibility of programming that reduces your workload and makes your job a little easier.
Available Hours
More than 225 clock hours are available through our virtual work experience programs, which means you can provide your participants with significant instruction and income. We are increasingly becoming a work from home society and by partnering with us, your youth participants can learn to thrive in an online work environment and gain the experience to work in person amongst peers.
Pre and Post Assessments
Youth participants must complete the online application, virtual interview and personality assessments. They also receive exit interviews, progress reports and certifications upon completion of the program. The engagement is meaningful, and the advancement is measured every step of the way.
Employment Support
All youth participants receive recommendation letters upon completion and can list this experience as a reference on their resumes. Additionally, our partnerships with large, national companies offers yet another avenue for the youth to gain work opportunities after virtual work experience is completed.