Virtual Work Experience Sample Outline

Youth Participants

Applicable to All WIOA Participants
6 Week – 12 Week Outline 
All Participants Must Complete Online Interview 

Self-Paced Paced Program

Week One: (Understanding Your New Role)

✓ Complete Assessments:

Soft Skills:


Week 1 Lessons: 

Intro to Mentorship 
Micro Course Adaptability
Micro Course Advanced Leadership
Micro Course Building Career Competencies
Micro Course Culture Building

Micro Course Goal Achievement 

Micro Course Leadership 

Micro Course Maintaining Focus 

Micro Course Positive Mindset

Micro Course Problem Solving

Micro Course Professionalism

Micro Course Teamwork

Micro Course Work Ethic

Internship Orientation

Internship I

Internship Assessment 

Positive Mindset 

Positive Mindset II

 Note: All Lessons can be find in the Course Library 

✓ Create Your User Profile in the Internship Portal

✓ Familiarize Yourself with the System

✓ Utilize the Online Chat Feature for Assistance

Select 5 Audio Podcast and take notes on the key points and the knowledge you gained from the lesson: 

Week Two: (Introduction to New Skills) 

✓Complete Week 2 Assignments 

Create a Free Zoom Account –

Continue any Lessons from the previous week: 

New Lessons: 

Workforce Preparation 

Tutoring, Study Skills & Drop Out 

Time Management

Workplace Productivity

Thriving Under Pressure

Select 5 Audio Podcast and take notes on the key points and the knowledge you gained from the lesson: 

Week Three: (Acquiring New Skills, Learning New Things) 

✓ Complete Related Assignments Through the System 

Week 3: 

Continue any Lessons from the previous week: 


 New Lessons: 

Specialty Team Building I

Specialized Training: Advanced Leadership

Specialty Team Building III

Specialty Team Building IV 


Select 5 Audio Podcast and take notes on the key points and the knowledge you gained from the lesson: 



Create a professional video that describes you. 

Follow the link below, create a Free account and create your video:

Send your video to


Week Four: (Improving Communication Skills) 

✓ Review Results of Career Personality Assessment with your Case Manager 

✓ Complete Week 4 Lessons in the sysytem 

Week 4: 

Continue any Lessons from the previous week: 


Professional Business Etiquette

Proactive Thinking

Paid and Unpaid Work Experiences

Overcoming Objections

Occupational Skills Training

Select 5 Audio Podcast and take notes on the key points and the knowledge you gained from the lesson: 

✓ Complete Related Assignments and Upload Through System 

✓ Practice Interviewing Skills Using New Training Techniques

Create a PowerPoint Presentation that Highlights Your Strengths as a Person and 3 Short-Term Goals 

Send your presentation to: 

Week Five: (Interfacing with Others) 

✓ View Mentorship Training Video in Back Office 

✓ Complete Week 5 Lessons

✓ Complete and Submit Related Assignments Through System 

Week 5: 

Continue any Lessons from the previous week: 


Managing Teams Effectively

Interviewing Excellence

Select 5 Audio Podcast and take notes on the key points and the knowledge you gained from the lesson: 


✓ Create a video thanking someone who has been an inspiration to your life:

✓ Complete Week 6 Assignments

✓ Submit and Complete Assignments Through System  

Week 6:

Continue any Lessons from the previous week:

Financial Literacy Education

Excelling in New Environments

✓ Practice Your Interviewing Skills: 

“Tell me about yourself”is a key interviewing question. The best way to answer “Tell me about yourself” is with a brief summary of your experience, your education, the value you bring to an employer, and the reason you’re looking forward to learning more about the next job and the opportunity to work with them. 

Write out your “Tell Me About Yourself Summary”

Send your summary to:

Week Seven: (Implementation of Training Concepts) 

✓ Submit Related Assignments Through System 

✓ Start New Courses 

Week 7: 

Continue any Lessons from the previous week: 


Entry Level Leadership

Entrepreneurship Development


✓ Submit Related Assignments Through System 

✓ Listen to Audio Podcasts Lessons 

Select 5 Audio Podcast and take notes on the key points and the knowledge you gained from the lesson: 

Week Eight: (Executing Various Forms of Presentation) 

✓ Complete Weekly Lessons from the Course Library 

✓ Identify Three Professional Goals 

Week 8:

Continue any Lessons from the previous week:

Entrepreneurial Skills Training

Effective Sales Presentations

Adaptability and Work Ethic

Select 5 Audio Podcast and take notes on the key points and the knowledge you gained from the lesson: 


Week Nine: (Attention to Detail) 

✓ Complete Week 9 Lessons

✓ Submit Related Assignments Through System 

✓ Take First Steps Towards Achieving First Professional Goal 

Continue any Lessons from the previous week: 

Effective Decision Making

Effective Communication

Advanced Business Building


Select 5 Audio Podcast and take notes on the key points and the knowledge you gained from the lesson: 

Week Ten: (Meeting Deadlines Effectively) 

✓ Complete Week 10 Lessons

Week 10:

Continue any Lessons from the previous week:

Diversity and Inclusion

Cultivating Creativity

Advanced Conflict Management


Week Eleven: (Leadership) 

✓ Complete Week 11 Lessons

✓ Submit Related Assignments Through System  

Continue any Lessons from the previous week:

Conflict Resolution

Advanced Team Building

Advanced Professional Development

Select 5 Audio Podcast and take notes on the key points and the knowledge you gained from the lesson: 

Week Twelve: (Performance Review and Evaluation) 

✓ Complete Final Lessons 

Select 5 Audio Podcast and take notes on the key points and the knowledge you gained from the lesson: 

Record or write a summary of the virtual workforce experience. 

Send your summary to


Make-Up-Week – If Needed